Online Academy
Robotics & Coding
   for kids
STEM Robotics
   for kids
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Nowadays interactive learning teaching methodology sometimes it is called learn by doing or learn while playing teaching methodology became the state of art of teaching methodologies. The importance role of Integrating the Technology , along with the interactive learning teaching in the educational process is increassing day by day.

Our company devlope and provide the state of art of technological tools necessary to be integrated with the interactive learnning teaching methodology that makes the Educational process easier, fun and practical to the both sides, the teachers as well as the students.

Hurry up and register in our online Academy


Whether you are a student enrolled in Arabic , Experimental, national, or even international school student you can attend all your lessons while staying at home, with your choosen time, with very highly qualified teachers. using our educational platform. We garuantee your achievment of excellency in the academic classes. We offer classes based on the Egyptian ministry of education curriculum start from primary stage up to high school stage, as well as the internationl curriculum. prerequiest level for the school curriculum of French and English languages courses are provided. So hurry up and booked your seat in your courses now. More information

Kids summer courses in robotics and coding

After the great success we achieved in the last summer. It is of our pleasure to announce that the registration for this year in kids robotics and coding summer courses is open now. Our summer courses are provided for the kids from G1 up to G12. individauls, schools as well as nursaries are welcomed to sign up. Not only special plan is offered school and nursaries, but also thier summer camp can be held at their places.
So hurry up and booked your seat in this summer courses now.      More information

--->EduRobo - Robotic STEM Kit <----

Our company launched

the 1st STEM Robtic kit in Cairo ICT 2017


Based on the Learning by doing methodolgy, Learn while playing principle,as well as the STEM education, the kit helps the student to learn Math, Science, Engineering, and Technology while playing with it. It also helps the user to be creative and imaginative. it covers wide range of student ages, from 1st to 12th grade. The kit consistes of our own developed Robot, Our own developed GUI, as well as the academic sheets  Kids use this kit to learn :
Robotics for kids.   Programming for kids   Algebra. Geometry.     Science.

Our company earned the Intellectual Property of the 1st STEM Robtic kit in Egypt

EDILEARN provides

The EDILEARN is all in one Educational platform that we provide to the colleges, schools, and individual teachers . This platform has all the tools & expertise you need to learn, teach, and collaborate online - all in one place. That leads to better student includes LMS and virtual class room . --->> try our 30-day free trial



EduDev provide Learning Managment System. This poweful customized LMS achieves all the teachers need to manage their entire courses material, assignments, quizes,....etc.

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The "Virtual Classroom" gives the teachers as well as the students the spirit of the traditional physical classroom. .

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(coming soon )

Microcontroller Trainers

we provide wide variety of different types of Microcontroller kits which cover a wide span of users start from elemintry school,high school students, up to college of enginnering students

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FPGA Trainer Boards

we provide wide variety of different types of FPGA kits which sutable for college students as well as researchers

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Communication Trainers

we provide different types of communication trainers , local area network (LAN) trainers, and fiber optices trainers which are useful for communication enginnering courses

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