
Why joining our online Academy


Besides the advantages of the online academy such as attending the classes while staying at home, choosing the suitable time for the class, the students enrolled in the academy reach the level of excellency in the academic classes. That is bacause the educational process is provided based on the following

The interactive learning teaching methodoloy

Virtual class rooms with the ability to record the sessions.

Powerfull LMS (Learning Managment Sytem)---> Read More

Highly qualified teachers.



Electronic topic material, videos

students performance are followed up by the teacher reqularly.

Types of Curriculums


offers online classes accroing to the following types of curriculumm as per the Egyptian Ministry of education standards

Arabic school curriculum

experimental school curriculum

National school curriculum

American school curriculum


Types of Enrollment

students can be enrolled in one of the following types of enrollment

private (by subject)

group (by subject)

full day school (scheduled)